Predators Gallery

Grace and power: the fascinating beauty of predators…

Mammalian carnivores play a central role in the world's ecosystems. This group includes iconic species such as lions, wolves and bears, which are characterized by their ability to hunt and eat other animals. They have special physical adaptations - sharp teeth, strong jaws and powerful claws - that make them efficient hunters. Their hunting activities are crucial for the balance of nature, as they help to keep the populations of their prey in check and thus maintain biodiversity. Preserving their habitats and reducing conflict with humans is essential for the protection of these impressive and important mammals.

  • © 2023 Wolf Ademeit


    About Wolf Ademeit


    Grace and power: the fascinating beauty of predators…

    Mammalian carnivores play a central role in the world's ecosystems. This group includes iconic species such as lions, wolves and bears, which are characterized by their ability to hunt and eat other animals. They have special physical adaptations - sharp teeth, strong jaws and powerful claws - that make them efficient hunters. Their hunting activities are crucial for the balance of nature, as they help to keep the populations of their prey in check and thus maintain biodiversity. Preserving their habitats and reducing conflict with humans is essential for the protection of these impressive and important mammals.

    © 2024 Wolf Ademeit